O colunista do POLO DE NOTICIAS, Jorge Eduardo Magalhães, que tem sua coluna semanal e, recentemente, escreve diariamente o folhetim O ANJO EPISTOLAR, conquista o 1º lugar no IV Concurso Literário da Editora CMSB, com um artigo acadêmico sobre liberdade.
Este foi mais um dos diversos prêmio literários que conquista, dentre os quais, o Concurso Internacional da União Brasil de Escritores, Prêmio Oduvaldo Vianna Filho, Categoria Dramaturgia, com o texto teatral UMA JANELA PARA EUCLIDES, que se transformou em livro e foi publicada pela Editora Patuá, com o posfácio de Ricardo Cravo Albin.
Neste semestre, Jorge Eduardo Magalhães está coordenando o Departamento de Língua Portuguesa e ministrando aulas da nossa língua e de Literatura Brasileira, na Universidade de Aswan, no Egito.
“É uma honra fomentar a Língua Portuguesa e a Cultura Brasileira em um país que está me acolheu com tanto carinho “.
POLO DE NOTICIAS columnist, Jorge Eduardo Magalhães, who has his weekly column and, recently, writes the daily serial O ANJO EPISTOLAR, won 1st place in the IV Literary Competition of Editora CMSB, with an academic article about freedom.
This was another of the several literary awards he won, among which, the International Competition of the Brazilian Union of Writers, Oduvaldo Vianna Filho Award, Dramaturgy Category, with the theatrical text UMA JANELA PARA EUCLIDES, which became a book and was published by Editora Patuá, with the afterword by Ricardo Cravo Albin.
This semester, Jorge Eduardo Magalhães is coordinating the Department of Portuguese Language and teaching classes in Brazilian Portuguese language and Brazilian Literature, at the University of Aswan, in Egypt.
“It is an honor to promote the Portuguese Language and Brazilian Culture in a country that has welcomed me with so much affection.”
This was another of the several literary awards he won, among which, the International Competition of the Brazilian Union of Writers, Oduvaldo Vianna Filho Award, Dramaturgy Category, with the theatrical text UMA JANELA PARA EUCLIDES, which became a book and was published by Editora Patuá, with the afterword by Ricardo Cravo Albin.
This semester, Jorge Eduardo Magalhães is coordinating the Department of Portuguese Language and teaching classes in Brazilian Portuguese language and Brazilian Literature, at the University of Aswan, in Egypt.
“It is an honor to promote the Portuguese Language and Brazilian Culture in a country that has welcomed me with so much affection.”
Le chroniqueur de POLO DE NOTICIAS, Jorge Eduardo Magalhães, qui tient sa chronique hebdomadaire et, récemment, écrit le feuilleton quotidien O ANJO EPISTOLAR, a remporté la première place au IVe Concours littéraire de Editora CMSB, avec un article académique sur la liberté.
C’est un autre des nombreux prix littéraires qu’il a remportés, parmi lesquels le Concours International de l’Union Brésilienne des Écrivains, le Prix Oduvaldo Vianna Filho, Catégorie Dramaturgie, avec le texte théâtral UMA JANELA PARA EUCLIDES, devenu un livre et publié par Editora Patuá, avec la postface de Ricardo Cravo Albin.
Ce semestre, Jorge Eduardo Magalhães coordonne le Département de langue portugaise et enseigne des cours de langue portugaise brésilienne et de littérature brésilienne à l’Université d’Assouan, en Égypte.
“C’est un honneur de promouvoir la langue portugaise et la culture brésilienne dans un pays qui m’a accueilli avec tant d’affection.”
C’est un autre des nombreux prix littéraires qu’il a remportés, parmi lesquels le Concours International de l’Union Brésilienne des Écrivains, le Prix Oduvaldo Vianna Filho, Catégorie Dramaturgie, avec le texte théâtral UMA JANELA PARA EUCLIDES, devenu un livre et publié par Editora Patuá, avec la postface de Ricardo Cravo Albin.
Ce semestre, Jorge Eduardo Magalhães coordonne le Département de langue portugaise et enseigne des cours de langue portugaise brésilienne et de littérature brésilienne à l’Université d’Assouan, en Égypte.
“C’est un honneur de promouvoir la langue portugaise et la culture brésilienne dans un pays qui m’a accueilli avec tant d’affection.”